Mid-week Lunch Run - Yass Golf Club - 30 November 2022
Two British Racing Green Triumphs, a TR3A and a Stag, made it to the starting grid, but on the command “Gentlemen, start your engines”, only the Stag driver was able to respond. A quick glance at the front right wheel by driver Mike Ford revealed that the spinner on the wire wheel was nowhere to be seen. It’s lying on the road or verge somewhere between home and the Dinosaur Museum carpark. A picture tells thousand words!
All was not lost, Chris Doble advised that he had a spare set of spinners at home as well as a spare seat in his Mazda. So, the plan was to proceed to lunch at the Yass Golf Club and Chris and Mike would collect a spare spinner on return. It was just lucky for Mike that only the spinner had parted company with the car and not the front wheel as well.
Despite the speed restrictions due to the road duplication works along the Barton Highway, we enjoyed a leisurely drive to Yass, arriving at the golf club just before mid-day. The accompanying pic shows the space reserved for that other green Triumph. We settled in for a most enjoyable lunch and chat in the club bistro against the pleasant backdrop of green fairways and putting greens.
The return trip was uneventful and I trust that, as I’m writing this, Chris and Mike have successfully fixed the TR3A left on the starting grid and Mike has returned home with no further dramas. For Belconnen dwellers, keep an eye out for a two prong chrome spinner lying on or near the road!
By Rick Wade