Celebration of 30 years of the
Triumph Car Club ACT
Lunch at the Irish Club, Weston
25 June 2023
On the 25th June, club members, past club members, their families and friends gathered and celebrated 30 years of the Triumph Car Club ACT following the initial meeting on 20 July 1992. It was a cold but beautiful day and we had exclusive use of a large room at the Irish Club in Weston Creek, Canberra.
The room was set up with 6 tables of 8 plus two tables for cakes and additional tables for the food. This left a large area where people could mix and recall Club activities, events, members' Triumphs and other cars. The room was decorated with streamers, the two Triumph Club banners, 20 blue balloons aloft. 30 year centre pieces, with wrapped lollies were on each table.
Max had prepared a series of photos arranged in order from long ago to taken recently. These were particularly interesting as they were projected onto a large screen at the back of the stage and therefore showed much more detail than looking at small snap shots in albums. He also provided soft music that was played in the background.
The food was abundant and consisted of platters containing rolls, chicken, tomato, smoked ham, pickles, quiche, sausage rolls, fruit and much more. Containers were provided and some people took left overs home for later on.
Jan Tink commenced the formalities and said that Brian Tink organised the 10th, 15th and 20th Club anniversary celebrations and if he was still here, he would have organised the 30th celebration too. This gave her the idea and some motivation to get the ball rolling and to organise something special to celebrate the Club's 30 years. Jan noted her family and partners were all present to honour their father, grandfather and friend. Her granddaughter Stephanie made and decorated the gluten free, lactose free cake. Jan made the fruit cake and the third cake was a sponge cake.
Three of the members present were at the inaugural meeting in July 1992. Jan invited them to make the ceremonial first cut to each cake. John Armarego, Max Blyton and Ian Lister performed the honours. The chef commented that it was a first for him to cut and plate cakes with cars on the table.
Chris Doble said that the Triumph Car Club was a big part of his life which would have been very different had he not joined the club. As it also is a big part of so many people’s lives he wanted to capture the history of the club. He has collected and referred to around 300 Triumph Torque magazines to put together a history book for the pleasure of members. Two draft copies were available for people to peruse.
Daryl Mouser noted the friendship of members gained from a common interest. He also reflected on the large number and wide variety of club activities over many years.
All in all the 30 year celebration was a great success and a good time was had by all who attended.
By Chris Doble