Break the Ice Breakfast Run - Murrays Corner - 21 July 2024
Saturday would have been perfect, that is freezing cold and windy. Sunday, however,
was a cool sunny Winters day and that’s probably why 21 club members turned up
for the run to Murrays Corner. Several cars took the more scenic route via Uriarra
Crossing, rather than the more direct route through the suburbs to the river.
The river was running well at the Murrays Corner ford and both the Landie and the
Scorpion went for a dip. The Scorpion (Trevor) did manage a good exhaust flush at
the same time, luckily an easy repair.
As always our BBQ Black apron crew provided the food and drink, and John
Mcmaster’s free parts bin did a good trade. Another good day out and as a first in a
long time, we actually made a small profit on the day. Thanks to all, particularly Jan
and John for trailer wrangling.
By Jack Gault