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Mid-week Lunch Run - Gundaroo Inn - 28 September 2023

After “volunteering” to prepare a report on the September mid week lunch run and enjoying
the leisurely drive home along Shingle Hill Way, the lyrics of a John Denver classic sprang to
mind; “Some days are diamonds, some days are stones…..”. Although somewhat out of
context with the underlying sentiment of the song, Thursday’s run to The Gundaroo Inn was
certainly a diamond day. Thirteen keen mid week diners enjoyed spectacular spring weather,
a delightful drive in a classic Triumph, fine food in a restored rural pub setting and great
company and conversation.

The route choice along Shingle Hill Way rather than Sutton Road was certainly a winner.
The condition of the road was fine and the route through a mixture of native forest and
undulating farmland made for a much more interesting drive. On arrival (the Wades were a
little late!), the assembled Triumphs in front of the pub’s veranda left no doubt as to the lunch

Given the fine weather, we decided to eat at the long table under the pub’s front veranda.
The menu offered a good selection of lunch fare and once orders had been placed, the meals
arrived surprisingly quick. We settled in to enjoy the meals and conversation. Given the age
profile of members, it was not surprising that health challenges featured, including Trevor’s
sudden hospitalisation with appendicitis while in northern coastal NSW, skin cancers and a
couple of total knee replacements! On a positive note, it’s good to report that all “patients”
are on the mend. Triumph enthusiasts are made of tough stuff!

No-one seemed to be in a rush to depart and although the pub didn’t serve coffee, the Cork
Street Cafe across the road had an espresso machine. The staff were only too happy to
address the caffeine needs of several diners.

We decided to return home along Shingle Hill Way and then made a right hand turn onto the
old Federal Highway, re-joining the main highway at Tulip Top Gardens. Once again, a
much more enjoyable drive than speeding along the highway. There were a few rough
patches and some wildlife (two snakes and a rabbit!) to avoid but still worthwhile considering
for future runs.

For the record, participants were Jack Gault (TR3A), Anthony and Susan Ockwell (Stag),
Trevor and Betsy Lloyd (2500TC), Rick and Diane Wade (Stag), Jan Tink and Chris Doble
(TR5), Mike Ford (TR3A), Allan Caldwell (Stag) and Daryl and Gill Mouser (Honda

Thanks Jack and Anthony for arranging a most enjoyable mid week run.


By Rick Wade

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Gundaroo Inn - Sept 2023 - 4.jpg
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