ACT Concessional Registration Scheme (CRS)
The ACT Council of Motor Clubs co-manages the ACT’s Concessional Registration Scheme (CRS) in partnership with the ACT Road Transport Authority (RTA).
The CRS provides for the registration of veteran, vintage and historic vehicles and motor cycles at a concessional rate under the following conditions:
The owner must be a financial member of a club
That club must be affiliated with the Council
The vehicle must be more than thirty years old
The vehicle must comply with the RTA/Council modification policy for CRS vehicles
Vehicle use must comply with the Government’s CRS rules
The vehicle must carry a log book and all trips must be entered PRIOR to departure and completed on return
The vehicle must be authenticated each year by the Registrar of the club to which the vehicle’s owner belongs​
The club's CRS officers are:
Registrar: Paul Burke (ph 0402 832 334)
Compliance Inspectors: Jack Gault (ph 0402 912 853) and Dave Rogers (ph 6286 5959)