Drive your Triumph Day - 10 February 2024
Twenty-six club members, family and friends hit the road in thirteen Triumphs, a classic V8 Holden and one modern to celebrate Sir John Black’s birthday. It was a fine day for driving and most of the fleet enjoyed the leisurely country drive along Uriarra, Brindabella and Paddys River Roads and Tharwa Drive to Lanyon Homestead. I must say that we can count ourselves lucky to have such a drive so accessible. Our Triumph friends in Melbourne would first have to make at least an hour’s drive to reach a starting point for such a drive.
The drive concluded with an enjoyable lunch at the Barracks café at Lanyon homestead. Despite being a weekend, the numbers visiting the homestead and café were less than expected and we were able to assemble our Triumphs in a single row in Le Mans start fashion.
Watch this space for directions to the website displaying an array of photos, taken world-wide of Triumphs out and about to celebrate Sir John’s birthday. Photos of our fleet of Triumphs will be included. Check out the photos of our cars and lunch diners accompany this report.
By Rick Wade